Sunday 13 March 2016

Jesus calms the storm

Lent week five log
Monday - mediation -Worry is a waste of time.
Worry is the assassin of things you can't change and will destroy your peace, creativity, mood and confidence. Don't worry about anything, instead prayer about everything.
Tuesday - mediation - Spiritual relationships.
If you have to reinvent yourself to keep friends/partners happy. The relationship won't work. the bible gives guidelines about "telling the truth".
Keep clear boundaries, be respectful and listen to God's words in everything you do. 
Wednesday - mediation - Don't quarrel, and avoid people that do.
Quarrelling can be a patterns you are possibly a custom to or boosting self- worth. This can open up a floodgate and a dispute could breakout.
Avoiding a quarrel is a mark of honour.
Standing up for what you believe is fine as long as you say what you mean... "Without being mean".
Thursday - mediation - God will forgive and restore.
The prodigal son... The young son was so disrespectful to his father. Taking the money before his father death was unheard of at that time.
Everyone was surprised in the way his father responded, when his son returned home, but his father knew his son, had seen the error of his ways.
Friday - mediation - "It is a very little thing, that I should be judged by you".
Who are we trying to impress?  Criticism from people is not healthy and loving. Think what it would be like, to feel genuine love from someone who expresses their disapproval of you. 
God shows us his compassion, knowledge and wisdom.
Saturday - mediation - "I have loved you with an everlasting love".
Make the best of things... 
Make peace and prosperity wherever you are and build a home for yourself and family.
Whatever you create, you will receive.
Sunday - reflecting on the week.

It has been a challenging week, I feel like I have been paddling in a tiny dingy, surrounded by huge waves in a turbulent Ocean. I am a little drained and tired but still in the dingy.

Thank you for sharing
God bless x

National Prayer Weekend

CWR National Prayer Weekend  (28th- 30th September 2018) National Prayer Weekend brings thousands of Christians together to pray fo...