Monday 18 May 2015


Today I am studying Matthew 5:21-26

(But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother or sister will be subject to judgement- v22)

How many times have we got angry with members of our family or friends. Or had a disagreement with someone, be it in a busy shopping store, on the road or driving your car. Everyday situations arise, some in our control, others not. We are constantly being challenged. My list is endless.
I don't always make the right choices and usually after the event... wished I'd been a little more diplomatic or patient, feeling really sad and upset with myself.
We are also surrounded by anger too, seeing it on the streets, in magazines/newspapers or via television/internet. Its hard to not get caught up in it.
Jesus said getting so angry is the same as committing murder. Anger violates God's command for us to love. We will be accountable to God for our anger if we do not resolve the issue straightaway.
I am learning to sort problems out more quickly with the help and support of God's blessings and love. I am not strong enough to do it on my own.
Forgiveness or saying sorry can save a lot less heartache and pain, it can build trust and a stronger relationship, in some situations.


God bless x

National Prayer Weekend

CWR National Prayer Weekend  (28th- 30th September 2018) National Prayer Weekend brings thousands of Christians together to pray fo...