Friday 5 June 2015

Wisdom our foundation

I am looking at Matthew 7:24-28

(Yet it did not fall, because it had its foundations on rock- v25)

I remember in my teens, I was blessed to have the opportunity go on camping holidays in France, what a experience building the tents, by pegging the ropes in the soft soil, sleeping under the stars and listening to the wild life, most of the time it was wonderful. However, not so wonderful if the weather was not so great, fighting with the elements like wind and rain, Trying to stop the tents from disappearing off into the distance or pinning the ground sheet down with bags to stop the rain pouring in, feeling cold and tired... Looking forward to returning home to my nice warm bed and feeling safe and secure in our house.
I think learning God's wisdom is the same, the foundations have to be strong and deep rooted. So we can build on them.
In this parable Jesus emphasizes that it is not enough to hear his word, you have to act on them too. Wisdom is the foundation that will provide a secure basis for our life. It will give us strength so that we will not collapse when we have to face the storms in our own lives.
I am slowly learning how to put God's wisdom into practice with his support, knowledge and guidance.
Thank you Lord for being my rock.

One of my favourite stories as a child...

Thank you for sharing and performing so beautifully, this story.

God bless x

National Prayer Weekend

CWR National Prayer Weekend  (28th- 30th September 2018) National Prayer Weekend brings thousands of Christians together to pray fo...