Thursday 28 May 2015

Broad or Narrow

Today I am studying Matthew 7:13-14

(But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. -v 14)

This is a very complicated Scripture and for two verses, there is a lot to think about and understand. When I first read it, I could not understand the meaning of what Jesus was teaching at all. By doing some research I could see I wasn't alone. The first sentence says "Enter through the narrow gate" Which implies that Jesus wants us to go through that gate. I have given it great thought and the only way I can relate to it, is by this next paragraph...
When my son was young I used to drive him to school. My journey would consist, of driving on a busy main road, it was very stressful.  We were bumper to bumper going at a snail's pace. I used to sit there following everyone else, seeing people frustrated, beeping horns, shaking fist at each other and I would be worrying, would we be late for school. So I decided that there must be a better way! Being that I knew the area, I started to use the smaller roads. There was hardly any traffic, however I had to pay attention because children used this route to walk to school and sometimes the odd cars but I felt a lot safer. I began to enjoy the journeys and it started my day well.
Having God in my life  makes me feel the same way, paying attention and listening to His word. I find situations a lot less stressful and have a better life.
I might not have completely got this meaning right but I would like to think I am on the right road. With Jesus' help I know I will get there.

Thank you for sharing this video.
God bless x

National Prayer Weekend

CWR National Prayer Weekend  (28th- 30th September 2018) National Prayer Weekend brings thousands of Christians together to pray fo...