Wednesday 20 May 2015


Today's reading is Matthew 5:43-48

"love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven" (vv 44-45)

Jesus is teaching us not to just love our neighbours but also our enemies. A pharisee once asked Jesus "Who is my neighbor?"(Luke 10:29) Jesus told the Parable of the "Good Samaritan" which demonstrates that we should love all types of people - no matter what faith, nationality or personality and enemies are included. If you love your enemies and pray for those who prosecute you, then you truly reveal that Jesus is Lord in your life. 

The video below really showed me the true meaning of forgiveness, thank you for sharing.

God bless x

National Prayer Weekend

CWR National Prayer Weekend  (28th- 30th September 2018) National Prayer Weekend brings thousands of Christians together to pray fo...